
Rapunzel short hair
Rapunzel short hair

rapunzel short hair

The dress itself consists of a lavender corset top laced with a pink ribbon. Rapunzel's dress is a traditional German dress called the "Dirndl", with longer skirt than a normal Dirndl dress would sport, and her dress also has a purple theme, with a pink accent. Rapunzel also has light freckles, mostly around her nose, as well as large, bright green eyes, and a playful smile. The hair is noticeably shiny, like satin.

#Rapunzel short hair skin

She has fair skin with a light tint of blush to it and is mostly known for her golden blonde hair which in length is around 70 feet, though her hair is naturally brown, like her parents'. Rapunzel is 18 years old during the film, and is considered a beauty. Rapunzel is also rebellious, tough, and courageous, as seen with the thugs.

rapunzel short hair

Although she initially feared that the dream of seeing those lights may not meet her expectation and that there would be no other means to pursue in life after that dream has been fulfilled, Rapunzel is able to overcome those fears by having Flynn's support and belief that a new dream will emerge in place of the fulfilled one. She is very determined to accomplish her dream of seeing the floating lights, even strong-arming Flynn into going along with her plan and passing any other obstacle along the way, as well as tricking Gothel into making her beloved mother travel for three days to get a white paint for her birthday (of course, to buy some time). Rapunzel is also known, particularly by Pascal, to be quite trustworthy and never ever breaks the promises she makes. She is also very charismatic able to influence a group of pub thugs to share their dreams and convince Maximus, the palace steed of the Captain, to postpone his pursuit of Flynn until she fulfills her dream on her birthday (which is heavily emphasized). She is completely immune to Flynn's so-called charms and has little tolerance for his antics furthermore she doesn't hesitate to use her pan against Flynn in certain circumstances. She is quite daring leaping from tall cliffs and swinging great lengths.

rapunzel short hair

Despite having ambivalent feelings after leaving her tower in excitement to finally see the world, she confronts and rebels against Mother Gothel's wish of her returning to the tower after a short journey with Flynn Rider. While she longs to see the world beyond her window, she is very obedient to Mother Gothel. Her greatest passion is art, as indicated by the pervasive amount of painting on the walls inside the tower. Having spent all of her life isolated in a tower with little else to do, she is proficiently educated in literature, and talented in almost all areas such as music and baking and even more advanced subjects like astronomy, as illustrated by her completely charted astronomical patterns. However, she is not afraid to stand up for herself or others when the situation calls for bravery. Rapunzel is a spirited, clever, kind, and adventurous young woman, though a bit naive. However, she does not overcome Mother Gothel's strict guardianship and thus has been staying in the tower, longing for the day when her life "begins." Being immensely fascinated by the floating lanterns that took place on her birthday every year, Rapunzel begins to develop a sense of curiosity and seeks to fulfill the dream of seeing those "lights in the sky" one day. Rapunzel spends her time painting, cooking, candle-making, reading, brushing her hair, playing with Pascal, observing the outside world from within the tower, singing, and interacting with Mother Gothel. However, she does view Mother Gothel as her maternal mother despite being kidnapped. Kidnapped by Mother Gothel when she was still an infant, Rapunzel had been raised and locked away in a tall tower up until her 18th birthday, when she is 'rescued' by Flynn Rider. Rapunzel is not a typical Disney Princess she carries her blonde hair, which is 70-feet-long, and has the magical ability to both heal and reverse aging when she sings the special Healing Incantation song.

Rapunzel short hair